Script Consultancy Rates

Script Reading

1 – 2 page pitches – £100.00

5 – 30 pages – £200.00

30 – 50 pages – £250.00

50 – 90 pages – £280.00

90 – 120 pages – £320.00

Treatments (max 10 pages) –  £160.00

1 hour+ Zoom Meeting –  £140.00

1 hour+ London Meeting –  £160.00

Note:   The above rates apply to individual, freelance writers.

Please e-mail me for CORPORATE RATES.

6 Month Script Mentoring

A six-month partnership in which I act as mentor, providing feedback on ideas and scripts at every stage of development, and specific, tailored career advice. Agreeing an initial action plan, giving written feedback as well as Zoom, phone and face-to-face time to discuss your work.

Please e-mail me if you have any queries or would like to book your mentorship.

Cost: £1900

Staggered Payment options acceptable.

Find out more about Script Mentoring

Further Script Reports & Analysis

Negotiable. Rates will be discussed and agreed between the writer and myself, depending on level of work required and agreed on each draft.

Please e-mail me for further information and payment details.


Please e-mail me if you have any queries