We’re going on Tour!The Authoritative Guide to Writing – And Selling – a Great Screenplay! |
ScreenwritingGoldmine.com and Script-Consultant.co.uk are proud to announce two new training events for screenwriters.We really enjoyed the weekend course we ran in July – and if you look at the testimonials you’ll see it went down pretty well with our audience too. We’ve decided to run two more workshops this Autumn; one in London, and one in Glasgow. Read on for all the details, find out what people thought of the last seminar – and sign up while there are still places!
What Are These Workshops Like?We think it’s always best to get you up and trying stuff out for yourselves. So we combine a mix of lectures and more dynamic sessions during which you get active with methods and techniques you may never have thought of attempting before. After two days with us you’re going to come away with fully professional strategies for:
Click here to reserve your seat in London or Glasgow: So Who Are We?I’m Phil Gladwin, founder of Screenwriting Goldmine. I’ve worked in script development in UK TV for over fifteen years now, and worked as both a writer and an editor. I’m proud to announce this joint project with Philip Shelley, a vastly experienced script executive and trainer, and proprietor of Script-Consultant.co.uk. I’ll hand you over to him for a moment so he can tell you all about us:
Couldn’t have put it better myself, Phil! Places are strictly limited at 30!We have a strict limit on the number of delegates, because we want to make sure this is a personal, in-depth seminar where you can get your questions answered and find out what you need to know without the sense of getting lost in the crowd. That does mean that the early bird catches the workshop! If you want to come I strongly recommend you book your place now to make sure you don’t miss out. Once you register we’ll send you a delegate’s pack with full details of the course, membership of a special private Screenwriters Studio Facebook group that will continue indefinitely, and some great extra bonuses detailed below. The workshops will take place on: London Saturday 24th/Sunday 25th September at the One KX Centre, 120 Cromer St, London WC1H 8BS. Click here for a map. Glasgow 12/13th November at a venue TBC. Both seminars run from 10.00 am to 5.30 on Saturday, and 10.00 am to 5.30 pm on Sunday. The cost of the workshop covers both days. We’ll also both be available in a nearby pub for an hour or so afterwards for a chat. Click here to reserve your seat now: Shameless Appeal to Your Bonus Hunting Nature!We think this workshop is going to be really powerful, and we know it’s going to dramatically improve your writing, and your ability to market yourself and your writing (or get you off to a huge head start if you are new to the whole idea of screenwriting), but we’re also strongly committed to the idea of giving you a lot for your money. So, we’ve put together this set of bonuses to add just that extra lustre to the workshop.
So How Much Is It?We think we’re offering an amazing experience here, and you should go away from the workshop energised, tuned up, and ready to charge ahead with your writing career. But we also want to make this workshop such outrageous value that it is impossible to pass up. So we are selling the entire package, the two day workshop, with over 15 solid hours of me and Philip Shelley giving as much as we can about writing, all our best answers to all your top questions, plus the three bonuses here, for only £229! What’s more, if you register by the end of Friday September 9th for the London workshop, or the end of Friday the 14th October for the Glasgow workshop, then you get an early bird booking bonus which brings the price down to £197 Click here to reserve your place now: |
Testimonials from July 2011‘When I signed up to attend… the first double bill of Phil & Phil, I was excited and scared. As an over 55 new entry not only to the country but also to the craft, I spent a fifth of my monthly income, and thereafter a good deal of time worrying about ‘will I manage and if so how’. So much so, that I almost cancelled my participation. I should never, ever have worried: The atmosphere created by Philip Shelley and Phil Gladwin was so obviously based on their genuine desire to share their knowledge in the most accessible manner that I left my fear at the door of the church hall…I could immediately concentrate on absorption and focus – practical exercises from the moment of first introductions brought the group together and sparked creativity. One of my favorite tasks was the walk-about town to pick up …well I’m not telling. There were however also enough printed hand-outs… to give me the feeling of ‘taking something away’. Philip and Phil were generous and relaxed in sharing their experiences, the time spent was full of practical advice, the material available almost bursting out of the seams of time. The absence of posturing, one-up-man-ship and name dropping was refreshing. I look forward to the next workshop and hope to be able to attend.’Cornelia Bullen-Smith, UK ‘I am just over the moon to have been part of this two day seminar. For me it was the first time I encountered such a bunch of warm, open and generous people without any hidden agenda, which is quite a contrast to all the sharks and know- it- all’s I have met before. I have made some contacts that could well turn my life in another direction… I would especially like to thank the two Phils. They were very well prepared and handed out some very interesting information and exercises, not only on screenwriting itself but also on how you should behave in life if you want to be succesful. This is not something a lot people would have done. To be continued!’Luk Simoens, Belgium ‘Thanks once again for the very helpful advice and wisdom you dispensed to us poor hopefuls last weekend. It really was just what I needed at the moment, not least because in the last few days I’ve been given a shot at pitching an idea to a production company. I hope to take what I learned and really put it to the best use possible.’Jill O’Halloran, UK ‘Got home yesterday evening, slumped in front of the telly, watched New Tricks, thought “I can do better than that”, and started to plan out an episode… Long queue in the bank this morning, passed the time inventing characters for everyone in the queue… So the weekend definitely worked for me – just the kick up the arse I needed. And huge fun! So big thanks to everyone, but especially Phil and Phil.’Caroline Harrington, UK ‘I really got a lot from the course and was so grateful to you both for your inspiration, generosity and encouragement… In the past I’ve done an MA in Film and Drama at Reading University, studied Script Development at NFTS and attended Writernet courses in Script Editing and Continuing Drama, they were all excellent, but I have to say, I really connected with your philosophy and style and felt that you helped me to understand some things really for the first time.’Mandy Constance, UK ‘Finally landed in California to a good night’s sleep since I don’t know when. So jazzed by London and you guys, I hadn’t realized that I even needed sleep! I now find myself with a renewed sense of purpose and a more positive outlook on life. Your efforts have paid off for me, and I am grateful to you all… This course allowed me to gauge where I fit in among real writers, because real writers with real stories and real talent were there. We encouraged each other, found that other people can be creative in ways other than our own, and discovered that our own perspectives really do benefit other writers. Here await in person, ladies and gentlemen, the insiders willing to actually take us inside, to teach us the standards necessary for our successes. They have foiled the villain and lived to tell us the tale.’Terry Smith, USA |
If you’re an experienced writer you know that the time you can spend working things out for yourself can take YEARS – and who of us has that much time to waste?
You really only need to pick up one good solid insight over this weekend to save yourself endless hours of frustration – and maybe you will even pick up the light bulb moment you need to kick your writing into fully professional mode. (It happened to me, many, many years ago – on a three day seminar like this I experienced a moment of pure light and insight that I still look back on as the moment my career really began.) And if you are just starting out, or you’re just learning about writing for the screen, then this is probably one of the biggest jump starts you could ever ask for. Think about it, two solid days with a writer and editor with over thirty years professional experience between them. You owe it to yourself and your writing to tap into the way we think. Don’t put it off, Click here to reserve your seat now.
PS. One more thing. As I said above, there are strictly only 30 places on each workshop, so don’t delay – click here to reserve your seat right now. PPS. Remember, if you sign up for this course, you must come committed and with an open mind. We’re going to give you two solid days of fully professional training! |
Yes, it’s a cheery one. At the risk of being extremely depressing, I have been thinking, for various reasons, about death quite a lot recently. And that led onto thinking about the