Welcome to my website! As a screenwriter whether brand new or of some experience, I hope I can give you the help and support you need to fulfil your vision as a writer, to realise fully the screenplay in your head, and then, to help you sell your script in the tough marketplace.
This has been a project I’ve been thinking about starting for some time. I’ve worked on many shows and for many different companies and have a number of exciting projects in development.
But probably the work I’ve most enjoyed was running the Carlton new screen-writers course – finding and meeting writers who’d never written for film or TV before, working with them over 6 months on a one hour pilot TV script – and then seeing where this lead them. I’m still in touch with many of the writers from these courses, and it’s been great to see how well so many of them have done since and to feel we played some part in getting them started on a new and fulfilling career.
To all of you out there, it would be great if I could now do the same for you. As someone who’s worked with screen-writers for many years, I know how often the odds are stacked against you, and I hope I can be part of battling those odds with you!
Philip Shelley