Hi There,

 A bit more for your diaries in this week’s newsletter.

 “The Authoritative Guide To Writing And Selling A Great Screenplay”

London Sept 22-23

A reminder that today FRIDAY is your last chance to book at the ‘early bird’ rate for our screenwriting course next weekend. From Saturday the price goes up from £197 to £227 – still a real bargain but £30 more!

We always limit the numbers to 20 max. in order to give you all our full attention and as of 10 am Friday we only have a couple of spaces left – so if you do want to book up, I’d advise getting in quick.

Here’s a little bit about the course –

A two day workshop in Central London Sept 22-23, covering both the craft and the business of screenwriting, run by 2 of the UK’s top script consultants, Phil Shelley, and Phil Gladwin,

Phil Shelley is a highly experienced script editor \ producer (Waking The Dead, Inspector Morse), who currently runs the C4 screenwriting course; Phil Gladwin is a successful screenwriter (Trial & Retribution, The Bill), author of the ‘screenwriting goldmine’ books and articles.

SPECIAL GUEST – MATTHEW BATES, Literary Agent, Sayle Screen.

Course details and how to book –

 Go to the above link for much more detail and a lot of very good and informative testimonials.


The London Screenwriters Festival Oct 26 – 28

I mentioned last week that I would be speaking and running a script lab at this year’s LSF. Details about my SCRIPT LAB should be posted on the LSF website on Monday – but here’s a sneak preview to enable you to get ahead of the game (© London 2012)! –

‘PHILIP SHELLEY – “Drama Series” Lab

Love TV drama series? Want to create your own? Then this is the script lab for you …

… Philip Shelley, script consultant \ script editor \ producer and the man behind the prestigious Channel 4 screenwriting course, is looking for the next generation of television series writers.

New TV series – the hit shows than can run and run – shows like Casualty and Downton Abbey ­ – are the hardest shows to create. But they are gold-dust to broadcasters, who are all crying out for their own smash-hit drama series – flagship shows that can raise the profile of a whole channel and prove a ratings winner for series after series.

During this three hour lab at the festival six lucky writers will develop their ideas for television drama series with one of the four mainstream broadcasters in mind: BBC, ITV, Sky and Channel 4. Participants will also read and give feedback on one another’s scripts and discuss what goes into making great TV drama series.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get expert advice on how to create a successful new drama (or comedy drama) series for television and not to be missed.

Like the sound of it? Here’s how to submit (please note, Script Labs are for LSF delegates only) –

-1 page pitch \ outline & first scene of first episode of that series of no more than 2 sides of A4 – ie maximum 3 pages total (please ensure your name is on each page/the title page and your documents are .doc, .docx and/or PDF – all other formats will be deleted)

-Send to with PHILIP SHELLEY   LAB in the subject line and your LSF ticket number in the body of the email somewhere.

Good luck!’


So there you have it. I should stress this is only open to people who buy tickets for the LSF. But if you’ve got a great series idea then this is the LAB for you! Please don’t submit your idea before MONDAY – the people at the LSF might get a bit confused if you start entering before they’ve advertised it!

I’ve worked as script editor on a load of drama series in my time – and in development on many, many more! Including some of the most successful crime series of the last 25 years – shows like Inspector Morse and Waking The Dead. Why certain drama series work \ are successful and others aren’t has fascinated (and vexed!) me for years. And for all broadcasters and producers it’s the Holy Grail – creating the successful series, Downton Abbey or Call The Midwife is the stuff of a broadcaster’s fantasy. BUT at the same time they’re the hardest shows to find – the show that can run for series after series after series. More on this next week!

Happy Writing


Philip Shelley

Sept 14th 2012